Legal notice

The domain from this moment is properly registered to LAURA MENDOZA PEREZ.

Information of the website owner:

  • CIF: 44316695L
  • 22 Colon St (Upper floor – Office #4)
  • 35110
  • Vecindario
  • Las Palmas
  • Spain


The access to the website and to the information related to any of the contained products and services means the acceptance of the conditions foreseen in the present Legal Notice. We recommend you to read attentively this content if you want to accede and to use the information and the services offered from the same one.

There are parts of the website which contain cookies. These cookies are small files of information generated in the user’s computer in order to allow to the system remember the language, the portal and another navigation preferences of the client in his first session. These cookies are not harmful. These not contain personal information but make easy the experience of the client in his navigation.

User’s status and allowed uses:

The access to the website (or any other aforementioned access in paragraph number 1 of this notice), get the user´s condition to whom use. This status accepts completely the general conditions, as well as, the particular conditions that in any case modify or replace the general conditions related to the services or contents in the website.

The user promises to use the website and its services and contents. The user also will have concern for the in force legislation, the good faith, the uses and the public order.

In addition, it is forbidden the use of the website with illicit or harmful purposes against the owner’s website or any third part. Besides, it is also forbidden a use that could to produce prejudice or prevent the normal functioning of the website.

Intellectual and industrial property:

According to the contents (information, texts, graphs, sound files or images, photography’s, designs… it is completely prohibited:

  • 1.The reproduction, distribution or modification, unless the user has an authorization of the legitimate holders or turns out to be legally allowed.
  • 2. Any violation of the owner’s rights of the website or the legitimate holder on the same ones.
  • 3.The use to any kind of purposes, commercial or advertising purposes different from the strictly allowed.
  • 4.Any attempt to obtain the contents of the website from any different way that there are available or any attempt to use another way not used habitually in order to avoid any damage to the website.


The website owner does not grant any guarantee nor becomes a person in charge of damages and prejudices of any nature that could bring reason of:

  • 1.The absence of availability, maintenance and effective functioning of the website, the services or contents.
  • 2.The absence of utility, adequacy or validity of the website or services and contents to satisfy needs, activities or concrete results of the users.
  • 3. The existence of virus, malicious or harmful programs in the contents.
  • 4.The receipt, obtaining, storage, diffusion or transmission of the contents by the users.
  • 5.The illicit, neglectful, fraudulent use, opposite to the General Conditions, to the good faith, to the approved uses or to the public order of the website, the services or contents, by the users.
  • 6.The absence of legality, quality, reliability, usefulness and availability of the given services by third parties and put at the disposal of the website’s users.
  • 7.The breach by third parties with the obligations and commitments related to the given services to the users across to the website.


With the purpose of preserving the possible rights of intellectual property, if any user or third parts think he has produced a violation of the legitimate rights for the introduction of certain content in the website, it must notify the aforementioned circumstance to LAURA PEREZ MENDOZA, indicating:

  • 1.Personal information of the allegedly infringed rights titular. If the claim is presented by a third party different of the titular, the third party must indicate the representation with the one that acts.
  • 2.Indication of the protected contents by the rights of intellectual property and the location in the website.
  • 3.Accreditation of the aforementioned rights of intellectual property.
  • 4.A written authorization in which the titular takes responsibility of the information’s veracity facilitated in the notification.


The legitimacy of the intellectual or industrial property rights related to the provided contents by third parties is of the exclusive responsibility of the same ones.

The establishment of any hyperlink between a web page and another web page belong to the website will be submitted to the following conditions:

  • 1.It is forbidden the total or partial reproduction of any of the website contents and services.
  • 2.The web page in which the hyperlink is established will not contain any brand, trade name, label of establishment, name, logo, slogan or other distinctive signs belonging to the website.
  • 3.Under no circumstance, the website owner will be responsible for the contents or services put at the disposal of the public from the creation of the hyperlink or the information or manifestations included in the same ones.


Duration and modifications:

The duration of the website services is of indefinite character.

Without prejudice of the aforementioned, the website owner saves the right to interrupt, to suspend or to finish the service of the web or any integrated service, in the same gathered terms in the third condition.

It will be possible modify unilaterally without previous notice, the structure and design of the website, as well as, modify or delete the services, the contents and conditions of the website access.

Applicable legislation and jurisdiction:

The present General Conditions will be ruled by the spanish legislation.

The website owner and the user, with resignation to any other jurisdiction that correspond to them, surrender to the Courts Jurisdiction of the user’s domicile, to all the asked questions or actions related to the website service and contents about interpretation, application, fulfillment or breach of established here.

In case that the user has the domicile out of Spain, the website owner and the user, with resignation to any other jurisdiction that correspond to them, surrender to the Courts Jurisdiction and Telde Courts.